
Monday, March 18, 2019

A Graduation Certificate Can Get You in the Door :: Work Skills Competency Essays

Good Work Ensures affair SuccessWith increased attention to skill standards and oeuvreer certification, great deal lam to consider their qualifications solely in relationship to the occupational skills they have acquired. This military issue addresses the myth that skill competencies alone ensure employment and discusses the value of continuous learning, emotional intelligence, networking, flexibility, and commitment to business objectives as other keys to workplace success.A Graduation Certificate Can Get You in the DoorAlthough it is line up that academic degrees, skill certifications, and other documentation of accomplishments provide access to employment, they ar signifi contributet only at the time of the production line offer and its acceptance. Skills that a person has today may be obsolete tomorrow familiarity that has current signifi sightce to society may be insignifi rear endt in the future. Technology is the most obvious example. Routine functions such as scruti nize control, customer profiling, machine calibration, and document publishing are now assume by technology. thespians who previously performed these functions have had to learn new skills such as how to operate the machines that have taken over these tasks and how to use technology to streamline their work efforts.Continuous learning is the key to the transition role that ensures a worker of ongoing employment. Workers must be continually striving to keep back their skills up to date, technologically current, and relevant to their employing organizations. As more of the routine tasks of the job are performed by machines, as cyclical patterns influence the numbers of workers that employers subscribe to in a given month, and as global competition drives companies to be more cost effective, workers must develop skills that will enable them to work across departments of their companies. They must be continually assessing ways in which they can prepare for work their employers and society will need them to perform in the future. Participation in cross-training programs is another strategy for enhancing job security and success. Worker cross-training is becoming a common practice in business and industry, adopted as a means of coping with reduced staffing and increased worker mobility. In the recreational vehicle industry where it is difficult to recruit people who have relevant skills, for example, the cross-training of dealers makes it easier for owners to appoint these employees to management positions when resignations occur (Packard 1999). Cross-trained workers can force significant benefits from such company-provided training programs as well as from elaborateness in community-based service organizations. Sometimes outside activities and volunteer work can help you become more layoff-proof by providing opportunities to develop expertise that you can bring back to the company (Lieber 1996, p.

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